VIDEO: Verbally call out the Location, Site Number, Date, Time and Any Witnesses. Call out Direction the Camera is Facing and Direction of Travel for Suspect.
EVIDENCE: Wearing Rubber or Latex Golves, and Using a Tool such as Tweezers, Collect the Sample and place it in a Clean Plastic Baggie. Seal Top with Duct Tape. Date, Time and Docket Number should be Added with a "Sharpie" (Permenant Marker), and Add the Collector's Name, and Site Number.
After Event: Write everything down on the "Docket Sheet". (See "PhotoGallery"). Using "Graph Paper, Draw out Location and Details.

MiCCR Documentation Protocol
Filling out Form Number “121024v01GDK”
1.-Fill in Date of Investigation.
2.-Fill in the Time the Investigation Started.
3.–Fill Out Docket Number. (See Above)
4.-Document Location of Search. Add GPS Coordinates, Closest Roads, State, City, County, and
Zip Code(s)
5.-List the Weather Condition. (Circle Appropriate Symbol)
6.-Print Your Name by “Researcher:”
7.-Print Name of Person with you by “Witness:”
8.-Note Habitation. IE=Heavy Pine Forest, Open Woods, Thickets, Open Field, etc...
1.-Have a Witness with their own Equipment. (see Equipment List Sheet)
2.-Photograph every Anomaly.
3.-Videotape whole experience.
4.-Take Samples and place them in Clear Plastic Freezer Bags and Label as so: Date, Location, Expedition Name. Make sure the Document Paper Numbers match the Number written on the Plastic Bag.
5.-Be Objective.
6.-Direction of Subject Travel. (Left to Right. North to South. Etc...)
7.-Direction that Witness(es) were Facing.
8.-Time of Day. (Mentioned while Recording and Logged on Paperwork.)
9.-Document your Health at the time of the Investigation.
10.-List Types of Equipment used.
11.-Refrain from making any Definitive Statements.
12.-Sketch area to Document Locations of Equipment and Anomalies.
13.-Note any Climate Changes.
Dating Dockets and Information:
YYMMDD###Initials IE=120407001GDK or YY/(day)#/###/Initials IE=12/97/001/GDK
PHOTOGRAPH: Anything Significgant should be placed on the Site withing the Folder for the "Docket".